Take a look at our team events!
The team attends and holds different events throughout the year to showcase our work, network with industry and sponsors, as well as to carry out testing of our car.
Arnold Clark Event 2022
In September 2022 the team had a great time at the Arnold Clark Innovation Centre in Glasgow for #worldevday.
As part of the World Electric Vehicle Day event the team got a tour of the centre which allowed us to have some insightful discussions with their team about the future of electric vehicles. We even got the chance to try out some of the electric vehicles.
Track Day Event 2022
We held a track day sponsored by Arnold Clark that took place on the 18th of November 2022 at the Arnold Innovation Centre. This was a great opportunity to test out the car in preparation for the upcoming Shell Eco Marathon this year. We had a chance to test assembly, brakes, steering, and our electronic systems. It gave us a great insight into what to improve for the competition later this year.
All Energy Event 2022
USEV was invited to attend the All-Energy and Dcarbonise Event in 2022 to showcase our current car! The All-Energy event offered an opportunity to meet, network, and make connections with many companies in the renewable energy sector for the society!
All-Energy takes pride in being the UK’s largest low carbon energy and full supply chain renewables event, while the co-located Dcarbonise is aimed at private and public sector energy end users. The USEV Team were also able to meet with the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and engage with her about the skills they have used to develop Clyde 3.0.